New To Plein Air? Here are Some Useful Tips

Three things to do the night before:

  • Check that you have all the necessary supplies and gear. Use a checklist to make sure you won’t forget anything essential!

  • Check your email and phone before you leave your house, in case I have gotten sick or if wildfire smoke makes it impossible to hold class.

  • Make extra sure you have read and understood the directions.

  • Pack a snack and any medications you need for a three hr class.

How To Find Our Group in A Park

  • Please arrive on time. If the painting spot is farther away from the parking area, you may not find us.

  • The Google map link I send you shows how to get to the exact spot where we will be parking, and what to do if you are late. But Google does not always give accurate instructions, so try to read mine.

  • Once you park look for a silver Toyota Tacoma, the truck I drive to plein air classes.

If You Are Late

  • Walk toward the beautiful views and start yelling my name.

  • If you cannot see us, call me. I will be teaching but I will check my phone periodically.

  • Some parks have bad cell phone reception. Text me to increase the chances I will see your message.

  • If you arrive during the demo, just join us, no need to explain anything!

Plein Air Etiquette

  • As you set up, check with your classmates to make sure you aren’t blocking their view

  • “Reserve” a painting spot by leaving your gear where you plan to paint.

  • If you must talk near your classmates as they paint, please whisper.

  • Check with me if you would like to bring anyone else to class. If they will be painting, drop-in fees apply.

Don’t Underestimate The Elements!

  • Wind is your number one enemy. Place warm clothes, bungee cords and duct tape in your car.

  • It can get very hot. Bring extra water, sunscreen and moisturizer if necessary.

  • Always check the weather forecast. Drizzle does not cancel our session, but actual rain does.

Safety Tips

  • Try to stay within earshot or at least where one other classmate can see you.

  • Watch where you step, walk carefully and wear comfortable shoes.

  • Let me know if you require any accommodations due to neurodiversity or a disability. If you suffer from seizures or any other medical condition, do give me the phone of a loved one I can notify in an emergency.

What is Classroom?

  • Classroom is the online space where I have stored all of the handouts, videos and other helpful materials related to our class.

  • Watch your inbox for an invitation. Click "Join" and it will take you directly to that location. Then please bookmark it.

  • Sometimes it asks you for a code: o5vfeeo