Directions to Sunset Cove Park in Lake Merritt

What To Google
Sunset Cove Park has one marker on Google maps.

Directions From Richmond, Albany, El Cerrito and Berkeley
Take 580 to downtown Oakland but stay in the middle lanes. Take the Grand Avenue exit and turn right on Lakeshore. Pass Beacon, Boden and Brooklyn Aves. Park near Wesley Ave. We will meet on the park, in front of Wesley.


Sunset Cove Park has a paved path with several benches bordering the lake and gorgeous views of the waterline punctuated by the multistoried buildings of downtown Oakland. If you don’t like buildings there are paintable views of trees and green areas in every direction, including of Lakeshore avenue itself. Despite the many visitors Lake Merritt gets, I have always had great experiences painting here. People have been courteous and respectful of our space as painters.


According to the Lake Merritt’s site, Lake Merritt comes from a wide, tidal estuary and salt water marsh known as the Laguna Peralta. It is a sanctuary and stop-over for thousands of migratory birds and the oldest wildlife refuge in this country. In 1869, Dr. Samuel Merritt donated 155 acres that included the headwaters of ‘Indian Slough’ and money to build a dam at the 12th Street Bridge, across the "neck" of the inlet. This created the present day lake. Dr. Merritt declared the lake a National Wildlife Refuge in 1869. On March 18, 1870, Lake Merritt became the first protected wildlife refuge in America. It became known as ‘Merritt's Lake’ and later as Lake Merritt.