Directions to the End of Bonita Rd

Take 80 north to Sacramento and get off on San Pablo Dam Rd. Almost immediately watch your right for a car wash and take a right on Morrow Dr. Go up the hill and take a left on Hillcrest Rd and a right on Bonita Rd. Do not turn on Bonita Court, which crosses Bonita Rd. Park at the very end of Bonita Rd, where a trail to upper Alvarado is located.

You can also enter 1498 Bonita Rd on Google Maps and this address will take you to the end of that street. GPS might take through a different route, via Alpine Rd. Alpine Rd is a narrow, winding road that goes uphill more directly, but GPS directions through that route are a bit are harder to follow because not all streets have signs.


Alvarado Park is located at the northern end of Wildcat Canyon, on the Richmond/El Sobrante border. The upper part of Alvarado Park is mostly known as a hiker and dog walker park, but I have seen the occasional artist too. The end of Bonita Rd functions as trailhead and window to the rolling hills that extend into the distance and lead to the Tilden Nature Area. As a painting location this part of the park offers a wide variety of trees and shrubs, punctuated by what I call “seasonal cows.” There are few shaded areas and no water. Bring an umbrella and wear pants with sturdy shoes.


This area was a private park beginning in 1909. The park was taken over by the City of Richmond in 1923. There used to be a speakeasy at the entrance of the lower part of the park during the Prohibition. The upper part of Alvarado used to feature dance hall that was later turned into a roller rink. The stone masonry seen in its lower portion today was built via Depression-era work programs. The park was transferred to the East Bay Regional Park District in 1985. Today this park is very popular for its trails offering many levels of difficulty, its facilities, and its views.

Map of Bonita Rd Painting Location

Bonita Rd is not to be confused with nearby Bonita Court.

Bonita Rd is not to be confused with nearby Bonita Court.